Try This Effective Tip to Improve Your Time Management

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Perhaps much like you, I’ve struggled with running late.

Late for appointments, lunch dates, school, work, parties, you name it; I was late for it. I was the person who was told that an event started at 6 PM, even though it started at 7 PM. When I showed up at 7, I was on time! How tiresome for everyone else. The older I get, the more I realize just how valuable time is. It’s not something to take for granted, to waste, or steal from others. 

Here’s the first reason I was always late. 

I lacked the understanding of how long certain tasks take. I would squeeze in as many duties as I could to a timeframe that didn’t exist. As I became more aware of my little habit, I rushed everything instead of fixing it. Rushing around is very stressful and being unprepared as a result adds another layer of bitterness that can ruin your day. 

I learned from reading books by Peter Walsh that, “you only have the space you have.” This means your time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but we don’t all use those hours effectively. I studied time management strategies and examined how/when I functioned throughout the day. I was trying to be the most productive when I was the least functional.


Here’s the second reason I was always late.

I am NOT a morning person, yet I had trained myself to do so many time-consuming tasks in the morning before I needed to leave the house. Once I stopped trying to be someone that I’m not and started working with my body’s inclinations, I began my journey of mastering my own time! I find it both strange and fitting that I became a productivity coach.

Let’s focus on a simple tip to get you started - Choose your outfit for the day the night before

This is BIG for most of us. If you’re guilty of spending an hour + tearing clothes off hangers frantically while searching for the outfit that says “I’ve got it together,” then this habit will be your new best friend. This habit is also for you if you’re guilty of staying in your pajamas til after dinner when you finally change... into new PJs. Maybe you’re guilty of both (I’ve been there.) 

If you eliminate the pressure of being short on time, deciding is usually much less stressful. You can calmly take your time, coordinate your pieces, and choose the right accessories and shoes that’ll make you feel put together. You deserve to feel confident and navigate your day feeling as awesome as you undoubtedly are.

BONUS TIP: Regularly rotate your wardrobe and purge clothes you never wear. 

This is key to permanently make getting ready for the day faster and easier. Just like updating your storage systems, I recommend scheduling a day a few times a year to assess your wardrobe. 

  • Mend holes in your favorite pieces. 

  • Donate or pass on clothes you haven’t worn in at least 3 years. 

  • Toss items that are too worn, stained, or ripped (especially socks and underwear.) 

  • Schedule the event in your calendar app on a day you know you’ll have time to do it.

Make it a family affair and set a reminder a few days before so you can mentally prepare for it. No one enjoys being surprised by a semi-demanding task, and you’ll be more likely to follow through if you can prepare for it. 

This simple tip and thought process were the beginning of my ability to manage my time. You can apply this method to many daily tasks by assessing two things - 

  1. Determine how long a task realistically takes you to complete. Set a timer and prepare to be a little surprised that you take eight minutes to brush your teeth.

  2. Determine what time of day you are naturally the most functional. Are you a morning, afternoon, or night person? Use this information to plan your time. 

If you want more tips to maximize the efficiency of your closet, check out my video on clothing rotation and storage tips.

Melanie Summers

Melanie is a Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant. She specializes in decluttering and organizing solutions for ADHD.

Her mission is to help hardworking families and professionals find form in their space and purpose for every phase of life.

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